Thank you to Mad in America for spotlighting maternal mental health, maternal functioning, and climate change: New Tools to Support New Moms: An Interview with Jennifer Barkin, PhD
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“In this study, we developed a patient‐centered online tool to bolster postpartum functioning, and col‐ lected data on the feasibility, acceptability, and initial impact of this tool on functioning and emo‐ tional wellbeing. Check out what my talented mentee, Ari Albanese just published. Read more here.
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Talking Mental Health related to Extreme Weather Events in Moms + Kids at Manuel’s Tavern in Atlanta on May 28th @7pm!
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“The purpose of this paper is to describe the development of an innovative psychotherapy group for women with symptoms of PMADs. Methods: This seven-session group, Motherhood and Me (Mom-Me), includes selected skills training from ACT, DBT, and Emotion-Centered Problem-Solving Therapy…In line with third-wave approaches, this group was developed to enhance maternal functioning, which, in turn,…
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“The severity of depressive symptoms, inversely associated with vitamin A plasma levels, is likely to be modulated by the degree of inflammation. Patients presenting with lifetime psychotic symptoms may be more vulnerable to oxidative stress and may have a higher activation of humoral immunity.” Read more about our work here.
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The BIMF was slightly modified for this study of Ugandan Children that may have been exposed to in utero/peripartum antiretroviral (IPA) therapy. In this vulnerable population of caregivers, BIMF scores were in the high 50s [possible range 0-120, where 120 equates to perfect functioning]. In context, these are the lowest BIMF scores we’ve seen to…
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More evidence of construct validity for the BIMF: Maternal Functioning and Breast Feeding Self Efficacy are found to be significantly and positively correlated in a study of 254 postpartum women. Makes perfect sense ! Read more: Palancı AY, Ö., & Aktaş, S. (2021). The effect of maternal functional and postpartum depression status on breastfeeding self-efficacy…
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Join us @2:10pm on April 12th as I talk #ClimateAndMentalHealth 2:10 p.m. Impacts of Climate Change on Maternal and Child Mental Health Dr. Jennifer Barkin Description: This session will explore the mental health ramifications of climate change on maternal child mental health. Specific mood symptoms and behavioral patterns will be discussed as will as risk…
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The BIMF was one of thirty-six measures reviewed as part of a study on Becoming a Mother (BAM). Abstract found here. Full Citation: Maxwell, D., & Leat, S. R. (2022). A review of the empirical measures on becoming a mother and their relevance to the American Indian/Native Alaskan mother: implications for research and policy. Journal of…
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