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“Extreme weather events (EWEs) are increasing in frequency and severity as the planet continues to become warmer. Resulting disasters have the potential to wreak havoc on the economy, infrastructure, family unit, and human health. Global estimates project that children will be disproportionately impacted by the changing climate – shouldering 88% of the related burdens. Exposure…
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Aspiring providers and healthcare/public health professionals: mark your calendars for the Climate Change and Clinical Practice Conference. We will discuss the impacts of climate change on human health and clinical practice.  I will be talking about Maternal and Child Mental Health related to extreme weather events and climate change in general.  The event is CME…
Continue Reading…/ijerph/special_issues/Gender_Mood My colleague, Dr. Marta Serati, is guest editing this special issue related to gender differences in mood disorders. Please consider submitting relevant research. “The aim of our issue is to spread the actual knowledge in the field of gender differences in mood disorders during the lifespan, considering vulnerability to psychopathology linked to exogenous and…
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I get frequent questions regarding the interpretation of the BIMF.  This group of relatively healthy (no mental/physical complications, did NOT screen positive for depression) maintained relatively strong, steady BIMF scores across the program duration.  BIMF scores and change in BIMF scores should be interpreted in context of the intervention.  This particular program attracted healthy women…
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“Mental health issues during the perinatal period are common; up to 29% of pregnant and 15% of postpartum women meet psychiatric diagnostic criteria. Despite its ubiquity, little is known about the longitudinal trajectories of perinatal psychiatric illness. This paper describes a collaboration among six perinatal mental health services in Quebec, Canada, to create an electronic…
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